Transport costs:

International shipment:

the transport cost will not be added in the invoice in case he selects a own courier.

The transport cost will be added in the invoice proportionally to the weight and the volume of the package if he does not select any courier.


Every one of our products comes with a warranty from the manufacturer and the official Italian importer.Every one of our products comes with a warranty from the manufacturer and the official Italian importer. The warranty is valid simply by presenting the invoice and the warranty card (which you will find inside the package). With the warranty card, in addition to the normal one year terms of warranty, you will also be able to take advantage of the free telephone assistance. CARD-Online will directly handle the warranty process and therefore, you can send the product back for repairs to the Technical Assistance Service at our warehouse which will take care of any problem.

Technical Assistance Department:
MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM Loc. Braine, 54/a - 40036 Rioveggio (BO), Italy
Assistance: + 39 051 67 76 625
E-mail: support@card-online.it


For all products purchased, the warranty is that given by the manufacturer and CARD-Online is directly committed to supplying valid technical assistance.
For any problems you can contact us at + 39 051 67 76 625 or send us an e-mail at support@card-online.it


On our web site you can choose from different payment methods and make your purchase as you prefer. You can choose from:

Payment by Bank Transfer; please be reminded that the product will be shipped only after verification of the credit to our bank account.

IBAN: IT 94 Z 03032 36670 010000007872


Respecting your privacy is our priority.

We consider your personal data, and your purchases strictly confidential. We are therefore committed to not diffusing or selling this information to external agencies for promotional purposes. Unless otherwise indicated, we will use the data and information only to communicate news and promotions and to offer you new products. MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM will use this information to personalize and improve the service we offer to you. In order to assure you of the seriousness with which we handle your information, please know that MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM is listed in the special registry of the Warranted Authority of Privacy for the protection of citizens.

Privacy Policy: use of personal details (Leg. Decree 196/2003)
MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM intends to inform you that the personal details in its possession, supplied for registration procedure in this web-site, for executing contracts or establishing pre-contractual policies, also for exhibitions, trade fairs or the present visit, will be used by us for the following purposes:1) collecting pre-contractual information, including the economic, financial and product evaluation; correct management of the contractual relationship and of the relative obligations, administrative management of correspondence and faxes, associated with and necessary for fulfilling any relative obligations;

2) fulfilling legal, accounting or fiscal obligations or obligations of any other nature associated with the above aims;

3) commercial information, market research, sending of advertising material or invitations to promotional events:

Personal details may be used with or without the aid of electronic or automated devices and - in compliance with the limits and conditions stated in art. 11, Leg. Decree 196/2003 - with all the operations or collection of operations envisaged in art. 4 sub-section 1 lett. a), Leg. Decree 196/2003 and necessary for the use of information in question, including communication towards the aforementioned subjects a1) and b1) of this policy. Giving your details is optional. It becomes obligatory when a contractual relationship is established. Should such a contractual relationship already be in existence, please provide your details again to ensure they are up-to-date.

a1) when a contractual relationship is established, personal details will be provided to banks or other companies, suppliers or prime contractors, solely for that which is necessary and functional for executing said contracts;

b1) personal details may also be communicated to the group leader MF Group Spa or to its subsidiaries or to companies associated with it, whether based in Italy, the European Union or worldwide.

The holder of the information is MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM with registered office in Loc. Braine no. 54/a 40036 Rioveggio – Bologna, Italy ; in relation to the use of your details you are due all the rights stated in article 7 of Leg. Decree 196/2003 some of which include access to your details, their modification, updating or deletion. The full text of said article is attached. Please sign and return this form to give your consent to the use of your details and, in particular, to the communications stated in points a1) and b1) and 3). Your consent may be given in whole or in part.

Art. 7. Rights of access to personal details and other rights

1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal details that concern him/her, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in intelligible form.

2. The interested party has the right to obtain indication of the following:
a) origin of the personal details;
b) how and for what purpose they are used;
c) logic applied in the event details are used with electronic instruments;
d) details of the holder, persons responsible and designated representative as stipulated in article 5, sub-section 2;
e) persons or companies or categories of persons or companies to whom personal details may be sent or who may be informed of them as designated representatives within the country, managers or employees.

3. The interested party has the right to obtain:
a) the updating, correction, or where applicable, supplementation of details;
b) the deletion, transformation to anonymous form or blockage of details used against the law, including those whose preservation is not required for the purposes for which details were collected or subsequently used;
c) certification that the operations in points a) and b) have been brought to the notice, also with regard to content, of those who been sent the details, excluding the event in which such a measure is impossible or implies the use of means clearly excessive with respect to the protected right.

4. The interested party has the right to oppose, in whole or in part:
a) the use of personal details that concern him/her for legitimate reasons, even if they are relevant to the purpose of the data collection;
b) the use of personal details that concern him/her for the sending of advertising or direct selling material or for market research or commercial information.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract without penalty, within 7 working days - starting from the day of reception for goods and starting from the day of the conclusion of the "on-line" contract for services.

Withdrawal must be communicated within the above mentioned period, by registered letter to the following address:
MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM Loc. Braine, 54/a - 40036 Rioveggio (BO), Italy.

You cannot exercise this right for:
- audiovisual products or sealed computer software which you have opened;
- products made to order or clearly personalized or that, by way of their nature, cannot be resent or risk rapid deterioration or alteration.

Within the period of 7 days you must return to MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM all the goods purchased intact, in their original packaging complete with manuals and with no missing materials. The cost of returning the goods will be at your expense. Once we have received the goods, we will see to forwarding the entire sum paid within a thirty day period. In the event that the sum was paid by credit card, MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM will see to accrediting your card through.


MF Group SpA - ID UP SYSTEM also distinguishes itself by the quality and seriousness of the post-sales services that it offers; in order to make the best use of them, it is important to remember that:

If you are not pleased with the product chosen, or for some reason you are not satisfied, you can always exercise your right of withdrawal which, within 7 days from the purchase date, allows you to send back the goods ordered. In this case you can:
- use the e-mail: info@card-online.it
- or the telephone number: +

If instead there is some problem with the equipment (for example if there is a malfunction) and it is still under warranty, you can send the item to the centre for technical assistance. After communicating the warranty card number, you will receive an authorized return number.

If you prefer you can contact us directly at + 39 051 67 76 6255. We will take care of the assistance process.
If you instead prefer only to report something that you are not happy with (we hope that this won't be the case), you can do so by writing to:
